Wednesday, May 30, 2012



Before                                                                       After

Tummy Tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty, is an operation that is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the mid and lower abdomen and at the same time, tightening the abdominal muscles. Unlike liposuction surgery which just removes fat, this operation addresses all three tissue components of a protruding abdomen:  skin, fat, and muscle. For this reason, it is more extensive than liposuction.  The best candidates are those in relatively good shape but are bothered by a large fat deposit, excess abdominal skin, and loose muscles that won't respond to diet or exercise. The surgery is particularly helpful to women who have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal after pregnancy.  Since the excess sagging and stretch-marked skin is removed, there is also improvement in skin quality.  The overall result is a flatter, smoother, tighter mid-section.


Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong and Dr. Wayne Lee are board-certified surgeons with extensive training in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the body.  During your consultation, we will discuss with you your desires and expectations regarding your body enhancement.  Our doctors will evaluate your overall medical condition and discuss with you the nature of the procedures available along with the risks and possible complications.  Once you are deemed a good candidate for a abdominoplasty, we will work with you and together you will tailor an operation to that will be specifically suitable for your body and your expectations.

Description of Procedure
Tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia at an accredited state-of-the-art surgery center.  Prior to your surgery, the amount of skin that is to be removed is carefully marked. After you are asleep, an incision is made in the bikini line.  The excess skin and fatty tissue between this incision and the belly button is removed according to the marked design.  The abdominal muscles are then tightened, forming an internal “corset” which creates a firmer contour and well-defined waistline.  The upper abdominal skin is then pulled downward and inward to re-drape the newly flattened abdominal contour.  The incision is carefully closed with several layers of suture. In most cases, the belly button will have an incision around it in a circular fashion because it is re-positioned on the newly re-draped skin to complete the abdominal rejuvenation. In some cases, a temporary drain is left in place to remove excess fluid and allow for better healing.

In select cases, conservative liposuction can be done in conjunction with the tummy tuck.  This is generally done in the upper abdominal and flank areas to better define those areas and compliment the tummy tuck for even more dramatic results.

The surgery lasts anywhere from two to four hours, depending on the amount of tissue to be removed.  For the vast majority healthy patients, the procedure is considered an outpatient procedure and you will typically be able to go home within a few hours after your surgery.
Mini-Tummy Tuck is an option for a select group of patients who are close to their ideal body weight but have a small bulge of excess skin below the belly button that does not respond to exercise.  It differs from the full tummy tuck in that the incision is shorter and there is no scar around the belly button because it does not need to be repositioned.  Mini-Tummy Tuck can be done in conjunction with liposculpture to further refine the abdominal contour.

Recovery Process
Following surgery, a compressive girdle is worn for a few weeks. Drains may be kept in place for approximately one week to help prevent the accumulation of fluid.  There may be considerable discomfort for several days following surgery which is effectively controlled with oral pain medication.  Most patients resume limited activity like walking in 1 to 3 days, and are back to normal activity within a month.  However, it may take six months to a year for the body to completely adapt to the newly tightened abdomen.  Patients must understand that the scar is a necessary part of the procedure and that the scar will continue to change and fade over time, depending on the patient’s own wound-healing tendencies.  Because the abdominal muscles are tightened surgically, you will not need to, and in fact are discouraged from, doing sit-ups for up to a year.  With proper diet and exercise the striking results of the surgery can last a lifetime.

Visit our website for more Before & After Photos !!!

Call today for a consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons:
(813) 689-7373

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Before                                                             After

 Augmentation Mammoplasty, also known as Breast Augmentation, is a surgical procedure in which implants are used to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breast. Breast augmentation can restore breast volume lost following pregnancy or weight loss, balance a difference in breast size to achieve better symmetry, or simply enhance the body contour of a woman who feels her breast size is too small. 
While breast augmentation will enlarge the breasts, it will not alter basic defects in breast shape or form like sagging breasts, tubular breasts, or widely-spaced breasts. Major asymmetries may be improved, but will not be completely corrected. If breast size or nipple position asymmetries are severe then additional procedures to further improve symmetry may be necessary.  No two breasts are identical, and even the most aesthetic breasts have small natural differences that should not be cause for concern.  A breast augmentation procedure is best suited for women with realistic expectations who are looking for improvement and not perfection.

Breast Augmentation is not only one of the most commonly requested cosmetic surgical procedures world-wide, it also has the highest satisfaction rate among patients.  Dr. Truong & Dr. Lee take great pride in striving for pleasing, natural results that are tailored to each woman’s individual case.  Our experience with this operation has demonstrated that a vast majority of patients who are suitable for the procedure are very happy with their results.

During your consultation, we will discuss with you your desires and expectations regarding your breast enhancement.  Once you are deemed a good candidate for breast augmentation, we will explain the many options available to you regarding your surgery and work with you to tailor a plan to help you achieve your breast enhancement goals.  In addition to implant size, some of the other important decisions that need to be made before your surgery include:
     Saline – inflatable silicone shell filled with sterile saline.
     Silicone – prefilled silicone shell filled silicone “gel”.
     Sub - Muscular (below the muscle)
     Sub - Glandular (above the muscle)
     Inframammary-beneath the breast, in the crease.
     Periareolar- along the border of the nipple areola.
     Axillary – in the armpit skin crease.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each implant, approach, and placement.  Dr. Truong & Dr. Lee will discuss these with you to help you tailor the operation that will most suitable to your body and your expectations.  During your consultation, you will be given an opportunity to "try on" different sized implants to get an approximate idea of the look you wish to achieve.

General Procedure

Your breast augmentation procedure will be performed at an accredited state-of the art surgery center under general anesthesia.  Once you are asleep, a small incision in a predetermined location will be made to create a pocket for the implant.  During surgery, the breast tissue is raised to create a space under the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle.  Once the pocket is created, the implant chosen by you and your surgeon is placed and, in the case of saline implants, filled with sterile saline solution.  After both implants are placed, small adjustments can be made to help achieve symmetry.  The incisions are then closed with suture and dressings are applied.  The surgery itself typically takes 1 to 2 hours to perform.  The procedure is considered an outpatient procedure and you will typically be able to go home within 1 or 2 hours after your surgery.

Recovery Process
Bandages are applied right after surgery to aid the healing process and to minimize movement of the breasts.  Once the bandages are removed, a specialized surgical bra will need to be worn for several weeks.  Some pain and soreness should be expected with the surgery and can be treated effectively with oral medication. Most patients are able to resume light activity such as walking or going out to eat within 1 to 3 days.  Although normal activity can be resumed by about 2 weeks, vigorous activity like jogging or aerobics should be restricted until 6 weeks.  While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully following the directions given by the physician after surgery


(813) 689-7373

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Tampa Bay Surgical Arts & Mentor are proud to introduce our "Feel the difference" campaign.  For a limited time, our partners at Mentor are offering a $250 incentive to upgrade your existing saline breast implants to their state-of-the-art Mentor MemoryGel Silicone breast implants.  Keep reading to get answers to some FAQ's by the doctors regarding upgrading your implants.
Why should you upgrade my saline implants to gel implants?
Although very safe and reliable, saline implants cannot compare to MemoryGel implants when it comes to natural look and feel.  If you have saline implants, you may notice that they don't quite feel like natural breast tissue.  You may even notice a "shelf" or sharp transition from chest wall to breast, or even some rippling at the edges.  All of these things contribute to an unnatural look and feel.  MemoryGel implants are made of a cohesive gel material that not only mimics the feel of your natural breast tissue, but also tends to sit more naturally and are less likely to show rippling at the edges, resulting in a more natural looking breast as well.  Not only will you FEEL the difference, you will SEE the difference as well!

Who qualifies for the upgrade?
Anyone who currently has saline implants.  MemoryGel cohesive silicone implants were approved by the FDA for use in breast augmentation in the U.S. in 2006.  If you had breast augmentation done prior to that time chances are you have saline implants.  Regardless of when or where you got your saline implants, or what kind they are, you can get them replaced and get $250 to do it!

Are silicone gel implants as safe as saline?
Silicone gel implants are very safe.  Prior to gaining approval by the FDA, Mentor MemoryGel implants were subject to rigorous studies in which data was collected in patients receiving silicone gel implants for breast reconstruction.  Thousands of patients were followed for many years and new patients are being followed as well.  To date, there has been no concrete evidence that MemoryGel implants pose any health risks above and beyond saline implants - including cancer, collagen vascular diseases, or chronic pain syndromes.  The rupture rates are very similar, and because the filling is a cohesive gel and not a liquid, it will not disperse on rupture like a liquid.  Older silicone implants were filled with a syrup-like silicone liquid wich did tend to flow out, but the cohesive gel in MemoryGel implants will stay in place - a bit like if you cut into a Gummy Bear or marshmallow.  Based on scientific data, we have no reservations in recommending MemoryGel implants for our patients.  In fact over 90% of our augmentations are now performed with silicone gel implants with excellent long-lasting results.

How is the replacement surgery performed and who should perform it?
As with any surgical procedure, you should make sure your surgeon is qualified to perform the procedure.  Dr. Truong and Dr. Lee are board-certified surgeons who have undergone extensive training and are certified by Mentor to use MemoryGel implants.  The surgery will be performed at an accredited surgery center under general anesthesia which will be administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.  In general, we like to use your previous incision if you have an infra-mammary or a nipple incision.  If your first surgery was done via an armpit incision, we will likely have to make a new incision elsewhere as it is usually not possible to place gel implants through an armpit incision.  The procedure will generally take about an hour, and you will be able to go home shortly after.  Everyone heals differently, but you can expect your recovery to be a bit easier than the first surgery.

I'm ready to feel the difference! What do I do next?
 Call our office to make an appointment with Dr. Truong or Dr. Lee.  Appointments are available at either one of our locations in Brandon or South Tampa.  Mention this blog, and we will waive your $50 consultation fee.  For more details and photos, visit us as  

Call today for a consultation!  (813) 689-7373.